Summer 2019 – A Musical Menagerie
Saturday 13th July – Our Summer Concert. 7.30pm Christ Church, Cockermouth

This was our first concert with our Choir Director Anne-Marie Kerr and our accompanist Fiona Weakley. The concert received much praise from the audience and once again proved that the Castlegate Singers are indeed a talented group of ladies!
Christmas 2019 – Angel Voices

Saturday 7th December 2019 saw us perform our annual Christmas Concert in Christ Church, Cockermouth.
Once again we had a varied programme singing in several different languages.
Our Guests for this year were The Gala Trio
They were formed in 2003 when friends Gaby, AnneLouise and Angela came together to enjoy playing for pleasure and has since featured in a number of local concerts. They gave an excellent and varied performance which showed off their many talents as musicians. Playing Clarinet, Oboe and Flute.
Tuesday 12th March – Once again we entertained Broughton Over 60’s Club at Broughton Village Hall. The raffle is an attraction in itself and can be very competitive amongst choir members!!
Saturday 6th April – Rotary Club Daffodil Day at All Saints Church, Cockermouth.
Sunday 23rd June – St. Michael’s Church, Isel, Cockermouth CA13 9SP
Saturday 29th June – Carnegie Theatre, Workington
Carol Singing at Sainsbury’s
Once again the choir entertained the Christmas Shoppers and raised money for Sainsburys nominated charity.